Santiago Hills School Choice 2025-2026 Waiting List

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This School Choice Waitlist request is for Santiago Hills Elementary School ONLY.  If you wish to pursue a school choice spot at ANY OTHER Irvine Unified School District school site, please visit our website at for the proper school choice procedure.

Reflecting the belief that parents should have a choice of schools, the Irvine Unified School District established at its inception an Open Enrollment Policy. This policy provides the opportunity for parents who reside in the district to enroll their student in any school within the district on a SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS. The School Choice Lottery window was open January 6th - February 28th. After this date all requests will be put on a waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis. 

School Choice spots may be offered as early as June but most likely will not be offered until mid-August.
Summer registrations must first be considered to determine space availability.

Process for Elementary School Choice - Incoming Grades K-6

*Note: Elementary school choice requests are submitted directly to the school.  To assure that the approval is random and unbiased, the approval process is implemented as follows:

  • The school choice window begins the first day school resumes after winter break and ends the last Friday in February.
  • Based on request forms submitted by the deadline, a lottery is held and waiting lists (by grade level and site) are established.
  • Requests received after the deadline are added to the end of the established waiting list. 
  • Periodically, schools are closed to School Choice due to high enrollment.
  • Parent/Legal Guardian must provide transportation to the requested school.